Jackass Bitters, one of the most famous Remedies of Belize and Central America has many names. It is called Golden Bitter, Tres Puntas, Mano de Largato, Kayabim, K'a'mank and probably it has even more names. Its scientific name is: Neurolena lobata. The entire plant is medicinally highly respected and used to treat and prevent a variety of ailments. Traditional uses include the treatment of wounds and infections, the prevention and treatment of a variety of parasitic ailments, treatment of inflammatory conditions, and as an insecticide or fungicide. Jackass Bitters is one of the so called pioneer plants. It likes to grow in clearings, fields, pastures, riverbanks and roadsides. You can see its golden flowers mostly in February and beginning of March. The plant is used traditionally for thousands of years by the Traditional Healers in a cold water infusion to reduce fever, to relieve pain or muscle soreness the leaves are warmed and applied as a poultice. For wounds, sores and skin ailments such as fungus, the leaves are crushed and applied directly to the affected area. To treat intestinal parasites, e.g. amoebas or worms, as well as for malaria or fungus, one leaf is boiled in a cup of water for 10 minutes and consumed 1 - 3 times daily. As a blood cleanser, for colds and flu, Jackass Bitters is one of the most important plants in our Remedies Formulas. It is part of the Immune Boost, the Flu Away, (the name is program) Jungle Bitters, and in our Travelers Tonic. We like to give the Travelers Tonic to our students from foreign countries to prevent parasites but it is also very effective as a treatment. It helps with itching and together with several other herbs is part of our most famous Jungle Salve. As one of the bitter herbs in the Insect Repellent it helps to keep mosquitoes away.
Jackass Bitters is one of the most famous Remedies of Central America
Updated: Aug 31, 2020