Frequently asked questions:
Why are the Rainforest Remedies dried herb packets so expensive, compared to herbs I buy here in the US?
Dear Customer,
We realize that in these unprecedented times of economic difficulties throughout the world, we are all trying to be frugal and the cost of these herbs may seem exorbitant.
Please let me explain why these do indeed cost more. First for comparison, the organically grown Wild Yam at a local herb shop is $3.95/oz and the China Root, the other ingredient in the Blood Tonic, is not available. Most herbs found in US based herb shops and Herbal distributors are grown on huge farms with giant machines. They provide a low cost to yield ratio because of their huge volume. They provide income for a few and profits for even fewer.
By comparison, these plants are wildcrafted in Belize by Belizean people using mindful practices from virgin land that are slated to be cleared for agricultural or eco-tourism ventures. So, the beginning of the economic impact begins there. We attempt to provide a living wage to these wildcrafters as well as the family who works and caretakers the farm. By providing an income to these people we are hoping to demonstrate the value of the living forest as a standing bank of biodiversity.
The harvesting and drying are done on a very small scale so the cost to yield ratio is high. The only machine used is a small grinder, so even this is labor intensive. The formulas are hand blended and packaged and labeled by hand.
Once the Dried Herb Packets are ready to ship to the USA for distribution, they undergo inspection by the Belize Agriculture and Health Administration (similar to the US FDA.) The shipping to the US from Belize adds another layer of expense to the process as well.
The most economic use of these herbs is to make a tincture with them. (The exception for the formulas would be the Jungle Juice Tea) For those who have never made a tincture before, you will receive tincturing instructions with your first order to help in that process.
I do hope this helps you understand how your purchase of these products is contributing to the economic growth of rural Belizeans and the thriving of small-batch-herbalism throughout the Americas.
What is the best alcohol to use when I make my tincture?
There are a wide range of choices for tincturing these days! Most people who are using these tinctures with clients tend to resource organic alcohol for this purpose, I like to use Mandarin Vodka when I tincture the Nerve Tonic! Others favor using spiced rum for theirs, which brings in the spirit of Belize! A general tendency is to buy 100% vodka so your alcohol will be 50%. I believe organic vodka is easily available these days.
What equipment do I need for tincturing a formula?
Besides your alcohol of choice, I usually instruct to use a half gallon jar for the process of tincturing one formula. This is to provide more "wiggle room" for the 1 quart of alcohol you will add to the 1 bag of herbal formula. Doing your tincture in a quart jar instead will greatly reduce the herbs intermingling with the alcohol when you give your tincture a good shake every now & then. ( Some do this daily) More information will be included with your order~~~~~