China Root, Cuculmeca, Sarsaparilla, Red Wild Yam, Wild Sarsa, Pu Ja (Mopan Maya) scientifically known as: Smilax sp. is another important herb in our Formulas. It is part of the Female Tonic, the Blood Tonic, Hortense Formula and the Jungle Juice. China Root is a woody vine that grows up to 50 m long, a member of the lily family. It produces small flowers and black or red berries which the birds like. The name sarsaparilla comes from the Spanish word zarza (bramble), parra (vine), and illa (small)—a small, brambled vine, the stems are covered with prickles. For medicinal purposes the root is used. It is long and tuberous and can spread 6–8 feet. It is almost tasteless and has no smell. The name China root was given to her because healers need to dig deep into the earth – they say: “we have to dig deep down to China”. China Root has been used for centuries by traditional healers of Central America for sexual impotence, rheumatism, skin ailments, and as a general tonic for physical weakness. When Rosita put the formula of our Jungle Juice together her intention was to offer a nice juice, which is healthy and tasty and so especially helpful for anemic children, weak and elderly people. Sarsaparilla has long been used in Peru and Honduras for headaches and joint pain, and against the common cold. Many shamans and healers use China Root internally and externally for skin problems such as psoriasis and dermatitis. A Smilax root from Mexico was introduced into European medicine in 1536. Since this time, Smilax roots have had a long history of use for syphilis and other sexually-transmitted diseases throughout the world. From the 1500s to present, China Root has been used as a blood purifier and general tonic, diuretic and also has been used worldwide for gout, syphilis, gonorrhea, rheumatism, wounds, arthritis, fever, cough, hypertension, digestive disorders, psoriasis, skin diseases, and cancer. China Root is a strong blood builder with a rich source of iron, calcium and other minerals, natural plant steroids and saponins. Flavonoids in China Root have immune modulation and liver protective activities. A U.S. patent was awarded in 2003 describing these flavonoids to be effective in treating autoimmune diseases and inflammatory reactions through their immunomodulating effects. Smilax steroids have the ability to treat senile dementia, cognitive dysfunction, and Alzheimer's disease. On our Arco Iris Farm China grows abundantly. When we harvest with gratitude and prayer we always leave some of the root in the ground to proliferate. China Roots is also building the blood by connecting the first chakra with the earth and raising the earth elements up into your energy field. When your earth element is out of balance you can use Smilax to ground yourself.
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Traditional Healers in Belize use the vine as a treatment for anxiety, back pain, head- and neckache, muscle spasm, mucus in male urine, mucus in the stool, constipation and gastritis, intestinal gas or other digestive or alimentary tract problems. 1 handful of the chopped vine is boiled in 1 qt of water for 10 min and 1 cup consumed warm 3 x daily before meals until better. The same recipe is used to treat male impotency. Man Vine works great as an anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, in stress situations, for nervousness and insomnia. It is the only plant in our Nerve Tonic and part of Female Tonic, Male Tonic, Strong Back and Belly Be Good.
Securidaca diversifolia is a climbing sarmentose liana, erect, with cylindrical stems, with clear brown bark. Sarmentose plants are plants that produce long, slender stems which take root along the ground. Man Vine as a liana climbs up on trees up to 10 m. Vines or lianas are woody climbing plants, in contrast to trees and shrubs, usually have stems that have very distinctive anatomical architecture. The distinguishing feature of Man Vine is a cylindrical stem that creates successive cambial rings that are continuous concentric rings of xylem and phloem. The xylem and the phloem make up the vascular tissue of a plant and transports water, sugars, and other important substances around a plant. We call them also annual rings. The leaves are of intense green color, glabros and glossy above, pale green to glaucescent below. The beautiful purple flowers on a stipe from the stem are, according to doctrine of signature a sign for its effect as a nervine.
Traditional Healers in Belize use the vine as a treatment for anxiety, back pain, head- and neckache, muscle spasm, mucus in male urin, mucus in the stool, constipation and gastritis, intestinal gas or other digestive or alimentary tract problems. 1 handful of the chopped vine is boiled in 1 qt of water for 10 min and 1 cup consumed warm 3 x daily before meals until better. The same recipe is used to treat male impotency. Man Vine works great as an anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, in stress situations, for nervousness and insomnia. It is the only plant in our Nerve Tonic and part of Female Tonic, Male Tonic, Strong Back and Belly Be Good.
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Zorillo, Skunk Root, Rat Root, Pay-che, Dama de la noche de Pine Ridge and Pahar che’ (scientific name: Chiococca alba) was Don Elijio Panti’s most favourite plant ally. This plant is said to be the “thinking herb” of the Maya or the “shaman’s herb” and is used to give relief to a great variety of ailments. To find the plant in the bush you need to study her for a while. She doesn’t show herself easily to everyone. The second part of her name “alba” means white and refers to the colour of its tiny flower and the fruit. The most reliable signatures of the plant are the cross pattern that the small branches on the vine build, as well as the scent of the root, that reminds one of the smell of a skunk when you cut or scrape it. The vine is growing out of the shrub. The action of Zorillo on the body is very strong and sometime too strong for the elderly and the very weak. Don Elijio used to drink it as a tea to strengthen his spiritual power. Zorillo is a great ally in Spiritual Healing, especially to dispel evil magic and the evil eye. At his instruction Zorillo became part of the Female Tonic Formula. We learned from Don Elijio that it helps a woman to connect with her spiritual power, gaining more spiritual guidance and to achieve clearer visions, insight and depth of understanding, especially during premenstrual and menopausal phases of life. Zorillo is said to help with delayed menses, cleansing of the uterus, endometriosis, ulcers of the stomach or intestines, constipation, obstructed bowels, colitis, nervousness and depression. A handful of chopped roots is boiled in 3 cups of water for 10 minutes and 1 cup is drunk 3 x a day before each meal. To improve blood circulation and treat insomnia Traditional Healers use the leaves as well. A large handful of leaves are boiled for 10 min in a gal of water and added to a warm bath and a teaspoon of chopped dried roots is boiled in a cup of water for 5 min and consumed warm before bed time. Zorillo, Man Vine, Copalchi Bark, Mexican Wild Yam, China Root, Ginger and Billy Webb bark build the formula of the Female Tonic,which helps to warm and relax the reproductive organs and the diaphragm muscle. As a uterine lavage it removes accumulations of toxins and debris. It provides iron and minerals, especially calcium and helps regulating the menstrual cycles. Hormonal precursors in China Root and Mexican Wild Yam help balancing female hormones. Female Tonic is indicated for symptoms like painful periods, dark thick fluids during menses, depression with PMS and Menopausal symptoms, Fertility enhancement, Amenorrhea and PCOS. The standard dose is 1 dropper full 3 times a day, not to be taken during menses. As the Female Tonic is a uterine cleanser it is contraindicated to consume in Pregnancy or after ovulation when a woman is planning to become pregnant. We are very grateful to Rosita Arvigo and Dr. Balick for preserving this knowledge of the Traditional Healers of Belize in their Book "Messages from the Gods"
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