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Other supportive sites for your healing journey~~

For ready-made tinctures of the Rainforest Remedies
and the topical salves~~
Learn how finding a practitioner of from the Abdominal Therapy Collective, as taught by Dr. Rosita Arvigo DN, can change your life & health for the better.  This site helps you locate a practitioner near you & explains the benefits of this modality~~~
Oregon's oldest & first certified organic distillery. Different sizes available and has both 190 & 200 proof. Cane, grape, pear, lychee, coconut & more!  866-801-1050
For the research, education, & conservation of native medicinal plants, fungi, and their habitats. Become a member!
This is another organization that our national herbal treasure, Rosemary Gladstar helped create for the good of the plants~~~ workshops offered on their Rutland Ohio land plus hosted gatherings across the country~~~
Ready to start that herbal correspondence course you've always dreamed of?  They offer one, created by Rosemary Gladstar that is a jewel & is highly recommended if you want your heart & spirit deeply involved with the learning.
Holistic Doula classes, Year long Birthkeepers training/Quantum Midwifery Education.  Whapio & her other teachers provide high quality programs that are life-changing for the student.  The world needs this now more that ever!
All things from the bees!  They carry elderberry mead,  Wild Rose Mead & much more! Even a 190 proof product for tincturing~~~
Impeccable ethics, this company has grown gracefully over the years and weathered the increases demands for herbal products that was a result of the recent pandemic.  Despite other sources, I really like their organic castor oil & other hard-to-get plant butters they keep in stock, ethically sourced globally. Also a source for tincture bottles, jars & SO MUCH MORE!


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