Hortense Formula
This formula was created by Ms. Hortense Robinson, a famous Belizean herbal midwife, especially for women with uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine polyps and endometrioses.*
Ingredients: Hibiscus, Billy Webb, Oregano, Mexican Wild Yam, Rosemary, China Root, Billy Webb Bark, Cockspur Bark, Maguey Silvestre and John Charles. Tinctures are extracted in Organic Cane Alcohol and Pure Water.
Caution: Not for use during pregnancy! nor to be combined with any hormonal supplementation nor other herbal supplements or regimens.
Hortense Formula Herbs
SKU: dho191129
You have to consult with your ATC Practitioner if this formula is for you! You can only order it when you are a Practitioner of the ATC work or with the recommendation of your ATC Practitioner. Available for Practitioners or their clients with practitioner reference