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Nerve Tonic Herbs

Nerve Tonic promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system when confronted with stresses of multiple variety, allowing for the relief of occasional stress, anxiety, sleeplessness & stress related indigestion.* Helpful in romantic loss & other grief.


Ingredients: Man Vine.

Caution:  Not to be taken in conjunction with antidepressant, anti-anxiolytic or smoking cessation meds


Nerve Tonic Herbs

  • Testemonial

    Mary McC writes on our Facebook page: "So I have had 3 critical major surgeries in a row. My Vagas nerve was very upset for years of being ill and nobody knowing what was wrong. Down my legs at night. I tried loooooots of nerve remedies. This one made by you guys is the best. My daughter now uses it too. Thank you, I don’t have to buy and hope it works anymore."


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